Mental Health Peel
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Mental Health Peel:
Mental health services with newcomers in mind.
Mental Health Peel is a collection of two databases of mental health services located in Peel Region (Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga). These databases are “Settlement Worker friendly”. They were researched and created with frontline Settlement Workers in mind who work with clients from a variety of cultures, languages and needs.

What makes these databases unique?
These databases of mental health services are like no other. They have a level of detail that cannot be found in other websites listing mental health services. These databases are unique because they:
  • Separate clinical counselling from supportive counselling using two databases
  • List services with dedicated languages on staff
  • Focus exclusively on mental health and addiction services located in Peel Region
  • List individual program information with eligibility and intake information
Step 1
Select the database you want to search

Clinical Counselling Database
This database lists clinical services/programs located in the Region of Peel. We have defined “clinical” as services offered by professionals with a minimum of a Masters degree in the field of psychology.

Supportive Services Database
This database lists programs and services that are non-clinical and can be offered by anyone, regardless of qualifications. In this database you can search for support groups, supportive counselling, and information and referral websites related to mental health in Peel region.

Step 2
Search the database

Search by organization name or category

Search for an organization: Type any word or combination of words in the Search for organization box to find specific organizations and the services they offer.

Search by category: Use the drop down boxes containing the most relevant keywords/categories to make your search easier. The categories include:
  • Language of service: refers to services offered in a non-official language at all times
  • Location: most of the services listed are located in Peel, but there are a few that are province-wide
  • Client needs: these are the most common mental health concerns facing clients
  • Services: these are the most common categories of service offered by the listed organizations

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